IJR Volume 6
Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research, Visualizing Justice (IJR) Volume 6: Winter 2017, editor Steven Kohm, Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice Studies (CIJS), The University of Winnipeg, ISSN 1925-2420
Table of Contents
Each heading links to PDF of that chapter.
Introduction Steven Kohm
Space, Place and Justice: Considering People with Intellectual Disabilities Karen D. Schwartz and Zana Marie Lutfiyya
Tensions in a Class Space: An Exploration of the Academic Writing Class as a Site of Cognitive (In)justices Joanne Struch
Policing Indigenous Land Reclamations from Ipperwash to Caledonia Devin Clancy
“I would like it if some of our tuition went to providing pepper spray for students”: University Branding, Securitization and Campus Sexual Assault at a Canadian University Mandi Gray and Laura Pin
Does Place Shape Perceptions of the Police? A Comparison of University Students and Community Members Nicholas A. Jones, Rick Ruddell and Donald Sharpe
Frontier Justice: Examining Representations of Modern Rural Policing on Television Kristi Brownfield and Courtney A. Waid-Lindberg
“Cyclonic Capitalist Development” in Uranium City, Saskatchewan: A Counter-visual Analysis Kevin Walby
“Model Prison” 2015: HD video with audio installation; MDF and acrylic paint installation, 07:25 minutes, looped Carolyn McKay
Placing “Bestial” Acts in Canada: Legal Meanings of “Bestiality” and Judicial Engagements with Sociality James Gacek and Richard Jochelson
“Don’t ask me to be nonviolent unless you have demanded the same from my oppressor”: Armed Resistance and the Right to Self-defence Valentina Capurri
Book Review Brisman, Avi - Geometries of Crime James Gacek